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Class 5c (the 9th grade) of the BRG Innsbruck Adolf-Pichler-Platz (school year 2021/22)

The podcast episodes are the result of a project that took place over the course of a week in February 2022. The project was carried out in as an interdisciplinary idea between the subjects History and Political Education, German, English and Music. The pupils had already dealt with Bertha von Suttner and her historical background but now it was important for us to bring the topic into the pupils’ own present.

In order to make them understandable for students in Georgia, they were recorded in both German and English. You might want to listen to both to compare the contents. In any case, we hope that you enjoy listening to them!

The topic War and Peace

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The topic of weapons and arms

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The issue of women’s rights 100 years ago

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